Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Wish List!

Once against there are tons of clothes that I can't afford but am desparately lusting after. I've been applying to tons of jobs recently so hopefully my reign of being Queen Poor will soon be over and I'll be able to buy everything my heart desires. Until then, here are something's I'd love to have in my wardrobe.
Jumper/white dress/culottes/green dress/rucksack/sandals

Lately I've been wearing a lot of black, my mums keeps jokingly calling me a goth, so what if I am? I just like black it's such an easy colour to wear and when all your clothes are black everything goes :p As Ann Demeulemeester once said..
"Black is not sad. Bright colours are what depresses me. They're so... Empty. Black is poetic. How do you imagine a poet? In a bright yellow jacket? Probably not?

I'll probably want to wear bright colours again soon but until then "I'll stop wearing black when they make a darker colour"

Oh and how sassy is that nail emoji bag! I'll stop wearing all black if someone buys me it :p

Lots of love,
Tiana x


  1. Loove the rucksack! Black definitely is a super easy colour to wear, in summer though it's just too hot to wear for me! xx

    ☾ Liquorice Pearls ☾

    1. Yeah it can be hard to wear during summer but I will always stand by black :p
      Tiana x

  2. Those shoes are on my wishlist too. If only I had a pile of cash laying around haha.

    Cats in Crop Tops

    1. If you happen to find a large pile of cash please share it with me :p
      Tiana x

  3. I reaally need those shoes soo bad!!
    xx Ama



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