Thursday, 31 October 2013

Last Minute Halloween Costume!

It's Halloween and you still don't have an outfit. Yikes... You're cutting it close but don't worry here are some costumes that are easy to make from your everyday clothes and will still look amazing.

1. A Cat
Dress all in black, create a tail out of a pair of tights and some ears out of paper or cardboard and use eyeliner to paint on some whiskers and a cute cat nose.

2. A doll
Wear you cutest, girliest dress, put on really over the top makeup and wear a bow in your hair. Done!

3. A baby
Probably the easiest of all the costumes. All you have to do is wear a baby grow/ onesie and put your hair in bunches. If you have a dummie and baby bottle than use those as well.

4.A hippie
There are so many options for a hippie costume. Your top could be tie-dyed, rainbow printed, floral or anything that is quite loose and faded. For your bottoms you can wear, bell bottom jeans, denim shorts or a long flowy skirt. Boots or sandals are the best footwear to complete your hippie look.

Hope this helped :)
Lots of love,
Tiana x


  1. Great post! Love the dolly!

    Great blog hun I just followed on bloglovin :)

    1. Aww thank you :)
      I'll check out your blog
      Tiana x


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