Saturday, 13 July 2013

Birthday shopping!

So it was my 16th birthday on Tuesday-I'm legal ;)- and I  received just over £300 from birthday money! Today I went on the first of many shopping trips. At the end of August I'm starting at a new college and since there'll be no uniform which means I have to majorly expand my wardrobe. I'm trying to do some clever/cheap shopping by buying only sale items and clothes from charity shops. Here's what I bought today:
I bought the burgundy shorts from a charity shop for 3.50!
I really love this dress, it's quite long but fairly thin so it's cool to wear during summer. Also it's quite easy to up dress up or down depending on the accessories and I got it for only £3.

These shorts are probably my favourite buy of the day, I got them from Primark for £4 (bargain!). They're so pretty and I literally cannot wait to wear them out :D

So in total I bought 3 things and only spent £10.50 which is crazy amazing, I'm so happy- thrift shopping is the best.
Tiana x


  1. I love shopping at Primark! Sadly I dont have it in my country! :'(

    1. :( that's upsetting, primark is pretty great. Some of their stuff are of a low quality but you can get some amazing bargains


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